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Booking Instructions PC

  1. When on the booking page you will be able to choose which court you wish to book. If you want to get out press Back or the Home Button.               

  2. Choose the date you want to book. The times still availabe for that day are shown. Choose a time.          If you want to get out press the Back  button or Home Button. 

  3. On the next page enter your Name, Email Address and Phone Number. When this is done and you are satisfied click the Book Now button . If you want to get out press the Back button or Home Button.          

  4. On the Payment page you can Pay with a Credit Card, Debit Card or Paypal account. You may choose to Pay Later in which case you should put the money in an envelope with your name, address and phone number written on, into the Village Hall letterbox. If you do not pay at least one day before your booking it will be cancelled.

  5. When the booking is complete press the Back or Home button to exit to the main system.

  6. You will recieve an email confirmation of your booking to the email address you provided. You will also recieve a reminder of your booking one day before.

  7. Should the booking be cancelled you will be notified by email.

© 2014 Pattingham Village Hall.

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